Find below some different ways to finanically support Cornerstone Church. Where it is possible we encourage church family members to give regularly via Standing Order but we appreciate this doesn’t work for everybody and have therefore made available a number of different ways to give. If you would like some information on the biblical principles behind Christians giving to a church, please see here.
All the details below can be found in a leaflet available at Cornerstone Sunday Services or can be downloaded here.
Account Name: Cornerstone Church Grays
Sort Code: 05 02 00
Account Number: 2990 4843
Bank: Virgin Money
Any cheques should be made payable to ‘Cornerstone Church Grays’.
You can use your bank card to immediately give securely to Cornerstone Church via this Stewardship link. When using this link you will be taken to another website (run by Stewardship) and a unique page to give to Cornerstone Church Grays. It is possible to give here using a bank card, with or without Gift Aid, and it is possible to give anonymously also.
Use the Bank Details above to set up a regular Standing Order with your bank. Standing Orders transfer money from your account to Cornerstone Church regularly and automatically. This is a secure way of paying money and provides the church with a regular and predictable income, which helps in two ways: it enables us to budget effectively and it is simpler and cheaper than cash or cheques to administer. So, if you can, please give by Standing Order.
There are two different ways to set up a Standing Order.
- With your bank online or over the telephone. You will the need the Cornerstone Church Bank Details (see above) which you can then use to set up the Standing Order. Please note, Virgin Money is a proper and normal UK Bank. Due to some technical banking reasons, some other UK banks may ask you extra questions when setting up the Standing Order that involves Virgin Money. Please persevere, our bank account is genuine and secure.
- Download, print off and complete the Cornerstone Church Standing Order form. You will then need to send this completed form to your bank.
If you need some help with this please do ask our treasurer. If you set up a new Standing Order please also let our treasurer know so any problems that might arise can be quickly rectified.
Use the Cornerstone Church Bank Details above to arrange a one off transfer via your usual banking facilities.
Please note, Virgin Money is a proper and normal UK Bank. Due to some technical banking reasons, some other UK banks may ask you extra questions when setting up a bank transfer that involves Virgin Money. Please persevere, our bank account is genuine and secure.
At a Sunday morning service it is possible to discreetly give either before or after the service via a collection plate at the Welcome Table. Many people give via one of the other options above so don’t be surprised if you don’t see many people give via this method. Some of our church family members find the collection plate the best way for them to give and make use of this method.

Gift aid forms are available at Cornerstone Church Services or can be download here for you to print out and complete.
If you have any questions about giving please contact our treasurer.