Sunday Morning All Age Service
Sunday Morning All Age Service
02/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:30 am
@ Woodside Academy
For more information about our regular Sunday Services please do see our Sunday Service page on our website.
This is an All Age Service which has the aim of allowing people of all ages to be able to worship together. A creche (as usual) will be available at this service.
We encourage everybody to join us in person at Woodside Academy, however we do recognise that is not always possible for everybody. With this in mind we do make our service available over Zoom. Please contact us for the Zoom meeting number and passcode.
Prayer Meeting (ANiE) @ Zoom
Prayer Meeting (ANiE) @ Zoom
07/03/2025 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Once a month Christians from across AMiE and our sister dioceses ACE and AMC gather on Zoom to pray together. This is a great way to work together and express our unity across ANiE (Anglican Network in Europe) (which AMiE, ACE and AMC all belong).
Please contact us here to request the Zoom details.
Sunday Morning Communion Service (with Sunday School)
Sunday Morning Communion Service (with Sunday School)
09/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:45 am
@ Woodside Academy
For more information about our regular Sunday Services please do see our Sunday Service page on our website.
As usual, a creche will be available at this service. Sunday School for Primary Aged Children will also be available.
We encourage everybody to join us in person at Woodside Academy, however we do recognise that is not always possible for everybody. With this in mind we do make our service available over Zoom. Please contact us for the Zoom meeting number and passcode.
Ladies Bible Study @ Jill's Home
Ladies Bible Study @ Jill's Home
11/03/2025 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
A ladies bible study at Jill and Les Brock's home. If you're interested in coming please speak to Jill Brock or Mike Walton.
Bible Study @ Mike's Home and on Zoom
Bible Study @ Mike's Home and on Zoom
12/03/2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
@ Zoom only
A bible study for men and women at Mike and Amanda's home and on Zoom. If you're interested in coming please speak to Mike Walton.
We use our usual Zoom meeting number and passcode for this meeting. If you don't have these, please contact us for the Zoom meeting number and passcode.
Sunday Morning Service (with Sunday School)
Sunday Morning Service (with Sunday School)
16/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:45 am
@ Woodside Academy
For more information about our regular Sunday Services please do see our Sunday Service page on our website.
As usual, a creche will be available at this service. Sunday School for Primary Aged Children will also be available.
We encourage everybody to join us in person at Woodside Academy, however we do recognise that is not always possible for everybody. With this in mind we do make our service available over Zoom. Please contact us for the Zoom meeting number and passcode.
AMiE Celebration Service
AMiE Celebration Service
21/03/2025 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm
On YouTube
Sunday Morning Service (with Sunday School)
Sunday Morning Service (with Sunday School)
23/03/2025 10:30 am - 11:45 am
@ Woodside Academy
For more information about our regular Sunday Services please do see our Sunday Service page on our website.
As usual, a creche will be available at this service. Sunday School for Primary Aged Children will also be available.
We encourage everybody to join us in person at Woodside Academy, however we do recognise that is not always possible for everybody. With this in mind we do make our service available over Zoom. Please contact us for the Zoom meeting number and passcode.
Church Family Lunch
Church Family Lunch
23/03/2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
@ Woodside Academy
Roughly once a month many of us stay on after the Sunday morning service to enjoy a meal together.
We understand that this won’t be possible for everybody. If you are able to stay for lunch, it would be great. We aim to be finished by around 1.00pm so you will still have the afternoon available for other things.
It is not necessary to sign up beforehand, if you're free just join us. Members of the Food Serving Team, will provide all that is needed.
There is a suggested donation to help cover the costs of the food but if money is tight we value your company more than your cash. There is always a vegetarian option. If you have other dietary requirements, please do let us know as we might be able to cater for those at future lunches together.
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Ladies Bible Study @ Jill's Home
Ladies Bible Study @ Jill's Home
25/03/2025 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
A ladies bible study at Jill and Les Brock's home. If you're interested in coming please speak to Jill Brock or Mike Walton.
Bible Study @ Mike's Home and on Zoom
Bible Study @ Mike's Home and on Zoom
26/03/2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
@ Zoom only
A bible study for men and women at Mike and Amanda's home and on Zoom. If you're interested in coming please speak to Mike Walton.
We use our usual Zoom meeting number and passcode for this meeting. If you don't have these, please contact us for the Zoom meeting number and passcode.
Youth Group
Youth Group
27/03/2025 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
@ Mike and Amanda's Home
- young people (at secondary school and college, 11-18)
- to find out more about Jesus (for the first time or if they have been a Christian for a good while)
- what it means for them day by day
Our time together includes a snack/dessert, time in the bible and prayer along with lots of opportunities for questions and a game of some sort.
For further information see the page on our website here.
Sunday Morning Communion Service (with Sunday School)
Sunday Morning Communion Service (with Sunday School)
30/03/2025 9:30 am - 10:45 am
@ Woodside Academy
For more information about our regular Sunday Services please do see our Sunday Service page on our website.
As usual, a creche will be available at this service. Sunday School for Primary Aged Children will also be available.
We encourage everybody to join us in person at Woodside Academy, however we do recognise that is not always possible for everybody. With this in mind we do make our service available over Zoom. Please contact us for the Zoom meeting number and passcode.
Cornerstone Trustees Meeting
Cornerstone Trustees Meeting
31/03/2025 6:45 pm - 8:00 pm
@ Zoom
The Trustees of the charity for Cornerstone Church Grays meet to pray, decide and conduct various business for the church.