A number of the links from this page are password protected. If you are part of the Cornerstone Church family you should have been made aware of the Password. If you have forgotten/lost the password please contact the church office to request a reminder.

The information on these password protected pages is not hugely sensitive and is intended for church family use only.

The password protected link below takes you to a page where some of our current rotas are available.

Click here to access some church rotas

Here at Cornerstone Church Grays we recognise there is much which is valuable in our Anglican heritage and want to make use of the best of this heritage in our own life together. Collects are set prayers that Anglicans have prayed throughout the centuries and often pray together on a particular Sunday.

As a result, an individual leading intercessions at a Sunday service may choose to include a modern language collect from the Book of Common Prayer. These can be found via the links below.

Sunday collects for 2025

Sunday collects for 2026

Sunday collects for 2027

The link below takes you to the Cornerstone File Cloud.

Link to the Cornerstone File Cloud / Sharepoint

To access this you will need to have been given a login and password. The login will be in a format similar to yourname@cornerstonegrays.onmicrosoft.com

Not everyone in the church family will need access to this. People who serve in the following ways may have been given access. 

  • Elders
  • Trustees
  • Finance
  • Safeguarding
  • Serving Team Leaders
  • Some of our church family who assist with some administrive tasks.

If you do have access, the link will only give you access to certain files. For example, only people who need access to the confidential safeguarding files can access these files.

If you don’t have access and think you might need it, please do have a word with either Mike Walton or Karl Newman.

The password protected link below takes you to a page where the risk assessments can be viewed.

Click here to access the Risk Assessments