We love children and young people. It’s a privilege to have children and young people from across the age spectrum as part of our church family.

If you’re a regular at Cornestone and a parent then we are committed to praying for and encouraging you in your God-given task of bringing up your children to know and love the Lord Jesus.
Just one way we can help is by providing Bible-rich and fun Sunday School on a Sunday.
Children Aged 0-2
For children aged 0 – 2 we have a creche in one of the school rooms near the hall where we meet. The idea of creche isn’t to be a place where babies and young children are banished to during a service. Instead, parents can make use of it during the service for as little or as much time as they would like.
We ask that a parent/guardian accompanies and looks after their own child(ren) in Creche. There is an audio link via Zoom in the creche space so you have the opportunity to join in with parts of the service.
Further details can be found in our Creche Information Sheet.
Children Aged 3-11
Children aged 3 – 11 usually spend a significant part of the Sunday Service in Sunday School where they get stuck into the Bible along with games, making things and praying , all of which helps them get to know Jesus better.
Sunday School operates every Sunday during the school term (for the exact dates see the Church Calendar here), apart from the 2nd Sunday in a month when we have an All Age Service.
Young People
Young people aged 11-18 (Year 7 upwards) are old enough to follow and benefit from the Sunday service with the rest of the church family. Our young people also meet together mid week for questions, time together in the bible and some silliness! We currently only meet once a month but hope to start meeting every two weeks at some point. For dates and venues see the Church Calendar here.

We take the safety and well-being of every individual child and young person extremely seriously. All our leaders hold enhanced DBS disclosures. Details of Safeguarding can be found on our Safeguarding page here.