At Cornerstone we want to help our church family to be family (for more details on what this means, see here). One place that families grow together is around the meal table. We know this from experience and, more importantly, we see the same happening in the Bible (for example, see Acts 2:42-47).
As a result we try to make eating together a priority at Cornerstone.

To do this, every month as many of us as possible stay after a Sunday service and enjoy a meal together at Woodside Academy. Costs are covered by voluntary donations. We are also aware many in our church family have other commitments on Sundays and are not always able to make these meals. We aim to finish by 1pm so there is still plenty of Sunday left for other things.
Every 3 or 4 months, a church family member will host the Sunday lunch meal in their own home, where often we will hang out for longer into the afternoon. There is no expectation that everyone in the church family would host such a meal.
These are not the only times that we eat together. Church family members get together at other times in an informal manner in smaller numbers to eat and help each other along as we follow Jesus together.
We always have a vegetarian option available.
If you have specific dietary requirements please let us know and we’ll see what we can do.
We have a suggested donation of £2.50 per adult and we leave the donation for any children to the discretion of parents/guardians. If money is tight at the moment, please contribute less than £2.50, or if need be, nothing at all. We value your company more than your money!
Roughly once a moth after the Sunday morning service many of us stay to eat together at Woodside Academy. There is no need to book, just turn up. For the next dates see the church calendar.
Every 3 to 4 months some members of our church family host a lunch and an opportunity to hang out together at their home.
Booking is not essential but it is a great help if you could let us know if you plan or don’t plan to come. If possible please let us know. For the next date see the church calendar.