If you are a Christian one of your God given heart desires will be to see other people come to know Jesus for themselves as well.
God’s main way of working so people start following Jesus for themselves is by God’s existing people appropriately talking about the good news of Jesus to those around them. This is evangelism. When Christians speak of the gospel to engaged non believers.

Evangelism is a great privilege for Christians but it can also be hard. At Cornerstone Church we want our church family to help each other in this glorious task of spreading the gospel in 2 main ways.
- By helping each of us to make the most of the opportunities we have in our everyday lives to speak of Jesus. He instructs us to love our neighbours and that’s what we want to do, in word and deed. Our mid week small groups (see here) are an essential element of family life at Cornerstone and our first port of call in our evangelism support.
- By doing some things in an organised way as a church that helps non believers engage with the gospel.
We are always on the look out for different ways to engage people who are not yet Christians with the gospel. If you have any ideas we’d love to hear them, please do get in touch with us.