Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples, baptise them and teach them to obey him. (See Matthew 28v19,20).
And therefore:
Cornerstone church is a family
which is committed
to do our part in making followers of Jesus
and seeking to lovingly obey him
We have been wonderfully drawn together by the Lord Jesus Christ. With Jesus leading the way, we really do seek to live as brothers and sisters, caring for each other’s needs, encouraging each other, rejoicing with each other and occasionally grieving with each other. In the Cornerstone ‘household’ are people of all ages and walks of life, many different personalities and temperaments, and a number of different nationalities.
For all our difference, we love spending time with each other and welcoming others into the family.
Following and knowing the Lord Jesus Christ is a wonderful privilege and a source of deep joy but it is also a serious matter that ultimately touches every part of life. At Cornerstone, we try not to take ourselves too seriously but we do take seriously our commitment to living daily for Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
We are committed to lovingly help people who are interested to become a disciple (a follower of Jesus) for the first time through the good news of Jesus and to help existing disciples to grow in their relationship with Jesus. We are dependent on God for these things but recognise that Jesus always planned to use his church to help make disciples
All followers of Jesus live with the reality of failing Jesus every day and are so thankful for the forgiveness that Jesus won for us at the cross. In the Great Commission Jesus highlighted the important of obedience and at Cornerstone we want to gently and biblically help each other in seeking to be more obedient to Jesus.
The apostle Paul wrote ‘I want to know Christ’.
So do we. Jesus is the centre of our church life and each of our own lives.
“By this gospel you are saved”
It is only through faith in the gospel of Jesus that salvation is realised. We long for and work together to make the gospel of Jesus known to those around us.
God hasn’t left us in the dark about who he is and his purposes. He’s given us the Bible.
We treasure that gift: we teach and study the Bible in order to know God better, and to live for him.
Jesus said “When you pray…”
God’s people are a praying people and therefore prayer undergirds all we do as a church.
Cornerstone Church is not a one-hour-a-week church. Nor do we seek to overtake your whole life.
We’re trying to love, support and care for each other and want everyone to feel part of and be committed to the family. This is so important as we serve our local community in Word and deed.
We’re keen for everyone to develop their God-given gifts.
So we work hard to “prepare God’s people for works of service”.
“The fruit of the spirit is…”
We long for the work of the Spirit to be evident in all our lives as God transforms our minds and lives.
Details about what we believe can be found here. Many of the details found on this page and the what we believe are found in our Aims, Values and Beliefs Booklet. If you have any questions or comments about our priorities please do get in touch.