At Cornerstone, engagment wth God in listening to him through the words of Scripture and speaking to him in prayer are the beating heart of all we do.
As a result, we make space in lots of our church gatherings for prayer. Whether that be on a Sunday, in our mid week groups or in church business meeting. Even more importantly we want to our family culture to develop where everybody in our family spends time with Jesus in prayer and bible reading each day and where it is normal for us all, to turn to Jesus in prayer at various points through the day, to be praying for each other as we see and think of other church family members.
If you would like some specific help in the area of prayer please do contact us and/or have a look at some further prayer ideas.

Appropriate prayer points for Cornerstone are also regularly shared with our church family. These are shared via email, WhatsApp and a smartphone App called PrayerMate, so there are a number of different ways to receive the prayer points.
If you are interested in using PrayerMate see below for further details.
Some people in our church family find PrayerMate a useful App to assist them in regularly praying. You can find details about PrayerMate (including downloads links) on the PrayerMate website.
You could also subscribe to the Cornerstone Church PrayerMate feed.