Find below a slightly random collection of various useful websites.
- 10ofthose.com – A Christian Book Shop that looks to support Christian mission through the provision of quality Christian resources.
- Anglican Convocation Europe – ACE is a home for faithful Anglican churches committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ across Europe to the glory of God.
- Anglican Mission in England – AMiE is a fellowship of faithful Anglican churches committed to gospel mission.
- Anglican Network in Europe – ANiE is a fellowship of bible-based Anglicans who share the doctrine and values of Christian orthodoxy summarized by the Jerusalem Declaration.
- Be Thinking – Been asked toughed questions, find some helpful biblical answers.
- Bible by the Beach – Aims to encourage, strengthen and equip the saints and build up the church through the clear, faithful and applied teaching of the Bible for all God’s people, for all ages.
- Christianity Explored – Helps people to meet Jesus in the pages of the Bible.
- GAFCON – The Gafcon movement is a global family of authentic Anglicans standing together to retain and restore the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion.
- Keswick Ministries – Exists to inspire and equip Christians to love and live for Christ in His world.
- ReNew – ReNew is advancing Anglican Evangelical ministries for the salvation of England.
- Speak Life – Reviving Christians; Resourcing the Church; Reaching the World
- The Goodbook Company – Creates and selects trustworthy, relevant and accessible resources that will encourage Christians to keep going, keep growing and keep sharing your faith.
- The Gospel Coalition – Supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The Gospel Partnerships – is a growing network of Bible believing partnerships and churches throughout the UK seeking to reach the country with the life changing news of Jesus.
- Word Alive – At Word Alive you can know the wonder of God speaking to you, your family and friends, changing and equipping you for all of life.
Please note that the inclusion of a website link above does not mean that Cornerstone Church agrees with everything communicated on the website but would expect the vast majority of the content to be good stuff! If you come across something that you think is seriously wrong please do get in touch. Thank you.